Web UX + UI

Website UX and UI design 
A lot of work can't upload due to company policy, but doing UX and UI is quite fun. Also help out writing codes for some of the pages.

Taipei Songshan Airport

For this project I was responsiable as Project manager and as UX/ UI. The government officials wish to rebuild their website. The flow of the site is nearly the same with minor changes. I have developed a new UX based on feedback from current users. As for the UI, they wish for it to be simple, clean, and inspired by Japanese-style airlines


TS Mall Web 

This Project I was also assigned to be Project Manager and UX/UI designer to help department store client to create website. The website needs flour detail info, event showcase, and top products Slideshow. 


PLUS 500 

This is a Plus500 Branch investment's website. For this project I need to help create UI visual to give an idea direcction of what it might look like.


For this project, I need to help create a UI website for a sport investment game. I have researched all the current competitors' UX/UI designs and created different variations of the homepage to see if the style fits the customers' needs. Once they have chosen the style they like, I will then create the website and develop the responsive web design (RWD) flow for it.

UI: https://xd.adobe.com/view/ef3d99b8-9f89-4489-9f7f-6a1244a323dc-ba6e/
RWD: https://xd.adobe.com/view/afc174ee-4456-4666-ba9e-98203a2dac4a-fa92/(Style Only)

Taiwan Youth Career Development Consultant  Center

The client wishes the website style like local art style to create website. So I gether all the material from client to create UX / UI for this site.


Hsinchu County Beipu Township office

This is website for Taiwan Hsinchu County Beipu Township office. I was responsiable for redesigning their UI interface.


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